

Sapphire's Favourite Poems


Snow Theme

it's snowing ever so lightly
soft flakes... huge flakes
the moon is bright...cold
the landscape is starkly beautiful

a huge snowy owl flies overhead
hear the whoooooooosh... of it's wings
it lands on a branch...and looks down on us
such beautiful feathers...such beautiful eyes

a silver fox...in winter garb
comes out from behind an outcrop of rocks
and comes right up to us...saying hello
not fearful... because he senses
peaceful surroundings and thoughts of love

the sky begins to dance
in ribbons of colour
the northern lights...in all their glory
dancing...drifting...beautiful colours
it's so wonderful

we are one with the universe
one with each other
what a precious gift
northern lights..silver fox...snowy owl
they now live in our memories

Author Unknown


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