Yobunny Cyberwarren is the family bit of our website. Here you can meet Anne, Barry and Alex and find out about our interests and backgrounds. More...
Yobunny Cyberpix Warren - our online photo albums - share some of our favourite photos from the best parts of the country. Sunsets from over Morecambe Bay, views of the Lake District, the South Lakes Wild Animal Park, the Lakeland Rose Show and lots more! More...
Genealogy has been a passion since I was very young. I always wanted to know about those who went before me - who my ancestors were, where they worked, and how they lived. More...
Poetry has been another passion for as long as I can remember. Anne's poems have appeared in various magazines including The Lady and Cumbria. Some of her published and unpublished work is in this section, as well as poems by friends, and soem personal favourites by long-deceased poets. More...
We were a home educating family for almost 10 years, and during that time had a lot of fun. Some of our time we spent online using websites to find out about things. This bit is about what we did and how we did it. Lots of home education resources and links as well. More...
For several years we were involved in the waterways restoration movement, and spent time on canal camps all over the country. Great fun getting muddy, sharing a sleeping space with 30 odd (sometimes very odd! ) other folks, working hard and playing hard. Great fun! More...
I've always had an interest in history, probably in part from my genealogy research and partly from my Mother who was also fascinated by the past. Part of that interest has resulted in postcard collections - some of which are shown here, along with listings of church incumbents I have found, and details of office holders under the Duchy of Lancaster represented in the shields found in the Shire Hall of Lancaster Castle. More
Although I was brought up in the Anglican faith at a church school and Sunday School I have never since leaving school been a regular church goer, but I do have my own beliefs which form the basis on which I live my life. If I say that my childhood heroine was Mrs Do-as-you-would-be-done-by from Charles Kingsley's book, The Water Babies it will give an idea of them. Meanwhile, there are some things which have touched a chord with me and they are in my Faith section. More...
Another great passion is glass. There is something about glass that enthrals me - the colours and beauty of glass, the skills of the glassmakers and the mould makers fascinate me, and I've been collecting it since my first candlestick given to me by my Grandmother when I was around 8 years old. This is part of my collection, online as a reference source and a reminder of what I have found already. More...
Website designed and maintained by Astarte Web Design all content copyright Yobunny Cyberspace. Last updated August 2006